Preventative Dentistry
Outside of brushing and flossing appropriately every day, dental prophylaxis is crucial to preventing oral health problems. Regular teeth cleanings get rid of plaque and tartar and prevent cavities, gum disease, or even tooth loss if left unchecked. -
Natural grooves and fissures are part of tooth anatomy and are prone to decay. This treatment provides a thin protective coating on these uneven tooth surfaces. -
This is a proactive examination conducted by dental professionals to detect precancerous oral pathology. -
These are customized dental appliances designed to protect teeth from grinding and clenching (a condition known as bruxism).
Dental Implants
Dental Implants
These are titanium posts surgically placed into the jawbone to serve as stable foundations for replacement teeth.
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It is a modern orthodontic treatment that uses clear, removable aligners to straighten your teeth gradually.
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Our dental clinic offers a comprehensive range of services aimed at promoting and maintaining optimal oral health for patients of all ages. From routine dental check-ups and cleanings to more specialized treatments such as fillings, dental implants, and extractions, our experienced team is dedicated to providing personalized care tailored to each individual’s needs.
One of the most common oral surgery procedures is tooth extraction.
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Custom Nightguards
Custom Nightguards
We design custom night guards in Columbia to fit snugly over your teeth while you sleep.
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Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry
Our cosmetic dentist specializes in treatments that enhance the appearance of your teeth, gums, and overall smile.
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It is a non-surgical treatment that improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by temporarily relaxing the muscles that cause them.
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Our Featured
Dental Services
Crowns & Bridges
Crowns & Bridges
These are two kinds of dental restorations that work wonders for people with damaged or missing teeth.
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Emergency Dentistry
Emergency Dentistry
Knowing when to seek emergency dental care is crucial for your health and well-being.
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Oral Surgery
Irreparably damaged teeth require removal, as they may put you at risk of infection. An extraction may also be necessary if a tooth is fractured, impacted, results in crowding, or has severe periodontal disease. -
A way to preserve the socket (and jawbone density) after a tooth is extracted. This is often necessary to prevent teeth from shifting, avoid dry sockets, and aid in the tooth replacement process (such as with dental implants). -
A blood sample from the patient is taken and placed into a device called a centrifuge. It rapidly spins the sample, separating out the other components of the blood from the platelets and concentrating them within the plasma. This rich plasma allows for quick tissue healing and regeneration. It also allows for a lower risk of complications after extractions (lower risk of dry sockets and less post-operative pain). -
Dental implants replace tooth roots with titanium screwlike posts to provide a long-lasting artificial alternative that looks and functions much like a real tooth.
Invisalign is the original and #1 brand of clear aligners on the market. Invisalign treatment is the process of wearing a series of clear removable aligners to move your teeth safely. Results are more predictable and, in most cases, faster than regular braces. Trays are more comfortable than braces, and patients can achieve better hygiene during treatment. -
A newer but comparably clear aligner brand that offers a cut-cost version of Invisalign. Both brands produce predictable and fast results when compared to braces. -
After completing orthodontic treatment, we use a retainer to prevent teeth from shifting back to their initial position. -
These appliances are used for kids who have lost primary teeth prematurely. This appliance holds the space for the appropriate permanent teeth to grow in and thus prevents future crowding of adult teeth.